perpetrators assaulted the survivor with open hands on the face. Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 9 1 10 Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Disrupted Political Mtg Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Freedom of Assembly 3 1 1 5 Bulawayo Mat South Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Total Total 181 10 Generally the province is calm. The political parties are still holding their internal meetings which at times show intra party conflicts. So far none of the political parties have held public meetings or rallies, most of their activities are within parties. The month of April was characterized by independence celebrations and to mark the independence day the Zimbabwe National Army doctors camped at Filabusi government hospital from 28-30 April and were treating people for free at the local hospital. On the 2nd of April at Singwango primary school, Insiza South a women’s day celebration was held and seemed more like a Zanu PF gathering. The speakers such a Mrs Langa and Mrs Zulu both of Zanu PF demanded that everyone shout out the ZANU PF slogans before addressing and those who could not tolerate that, were asked to leave. The celebrations that were supposed to be for all women regardless of political affiliation were spoilt by sloganeering. During the month of April the major conflict was triggered by the intra-party conflict taking place in the MDC-T. 17/4/14 April- A victim was assaulted at the MDC-T Provincial Offices by some suspected party youths from Mpopoma/Pelandaba Constituency for disrupting the Provincial Youth meeting which was called to suspend Bekithemba Nyathi the Youth Bulawayo Provincial Chairperson and Member of Parliament For Mpopoma/Pelandaba. Bekithemba was being charged for abuse of office, fraud and disregard for party laws and for being in the Elton Mangoma /Tendai Biti faction.

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