February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS West, Chimanimani East, Headlands and Mutasa Central. The right to personal security of the citizen in this province during the month under consideration registered a lot of violations. Assault cases, intimidation and harassment were recorded in Buhera at the burial of late MDC-T leader. There was an arson attempt on Khupe, Mwonzora and Bhebhe, when visibly intoxicated MDC-T youths threatened to burn the hut the leaders had sought refuge in. Khupe told journalists the rains prevented the grass from catching fire. The other threat to personal security which was recorded in Chikanga/Dangamvura was intimidation after legislator Esau Mupfumi threatened to unleash the military on headmasters sending away children for non-payment of fees. While the sending back children for non payment of fees is a violation of the right to education, the situation cannot be addressed by unleashing the military. A case of intra-party violence was also recorded in Nyanga North between members of the opposition MDCT, which led to a fist-fight after they allegedly failed to agree on the candidate to support in the elections expected later this year. Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Theft/looting 2 1 Discrimination 6 15 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 23 45 Assault 2 0 Banned Political Meeting 0 Threat level: Low The major violations recorded were around socioeconomic and civil and political rights. Although government has publicly rejected partisan distribution of food and other aid including inputs, political affiliation has determined one’s ability to access food aid. Perceived opposition supporters and those who do not attend or partake in ruling party activities were denied food aid. Intimidation was also prominent in communities as the demand for voter’s serial numbers by Zanu PF activists continued to violate the Electoral Act and section 156(c) of the constitution. Inter party clashes between Zanu PF and MDC-T youths were dominant as both parties clashed following the death of Tsvangirai. A particular case was reported in Mazowe central where MDC-T youths threatened to assault Zanu PF youths who wanted to block them celebrating the life of their leader. Despite the alleged Operation Restore Legacy by the military, in Zanu PF factional fights have been reported between Lacoste and G40 (those opposed to President Mnangagwa). Perceived G40 activists have been victimised on accusations of sabotaging ruling party activities in village wards. Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 1 1 Theft/looting 0 4 Discrimination 5 19 MDP 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 23 36 1 9

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