Threat level: Medium Following the death of MDC-T leader, the power tussles involving Vice Presidents Khupe and Chamisa took an ugly twist. Khupe alleges being labelled a dissident, a victim of gender discrimination after she was attacked in Buhera for her power ambitions by party youths known as the ‘order of the Vanguard’. The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission meeting held in Bulawayo was disrupted at the instigation of the Mthwakazi group as they argued that the commission was Shona dominated. Sixty nine NUST students were detained for protesting and a number of them were injured after the police set dogs on them. Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 1 0 Discrimination 0 0 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 3 0 Unlawful detention 1 0 promises by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to create an environment conducive to holding free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF youths attacked Joice Mujuru, National People’s Party (NPP) president and some of her supporters in ward 30 Glenorah. Mujuru escaped with a swollen eye while six of her supporters were assaulted. The assaults are reported to have been perpetrated by Zanu PF activists Sera, Milcah, Matemba, Teddy, Kasirai, Musengu, Lucky, Ndux and Spencer Mutero all led by Councillor Hondo. The police emerged drivers of conflict and perpetrators of human rights violations. They incited public violence in Harare CBD when they allegedly shot and reportedly killed three people after engaging in street battles with kombi drivers. Figure 1. NPP activist injured after attacks in political violence Threat level: High Factional ruptures manifested in the MDC-T prior to and after the death of Tsvangirai resulting in nasty clashes between youths affiliated to both party vice presidents Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri. Zanu PF activists still identified recording serial numbers in communities. The ruling party’s intolerance of opposition parties continued despite Figure 2: Cars burnt during clashes between police and public in Harare On 23 February police officers fired teargas in Harare Central Business District to disperse

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