February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 1 3 Intimidation/harassment 3 5 The use of hate language in the build-up to the burial of the late Tsvangirai by mainly MDC-T members accusing Zanu PF members of being responsible for the death of their leader was recorded. Category of incident Threat level: Low Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 3 0 Theft/looting 1 0 Discrimination 3 3 Intimidation/harassment 21 13 Food and other forms of aid Food and farming inputs aid continues to be used as a political tool in most provinces. The cases are very low in Matabeleland North, South and Bulawayo despite the provinces being the worst food insecure due to dry weather. The practice has been rampant in areas where the populations survive on subsistence farming such as Mashonaland, Manicaland and Masvingo. Those who failed to produce voters’ slips to have serial numbers recorded by ruling party activists were the common victims of deprivation of farming inputs or food aid. Political intolerance leading to the suppression of citizens’ political rights dominated the cases which were recorded in the province. Out of 18 human rights violations recorded, 11 were violations of political rights. These also included cases of intra-party violence. The other violations which were recorded during the month included the right to food, the electoral act as well as the right to personal security. In Gokwe Central Chief Nemangwe who was in the company of the Zanu PF secretary for war veterans Victor Matemadanda addressed residents and declared that no other parties were going to be allowed to campaign. A similar case was reported in GokweKana were the Zanu PF leadership with the blessing of village heads uttered the same words. This clearly violates Section 281(2)(a and b) of the constitution which states that traditional leaders must not be members of any political party or in any way participate in partisan politics, act in a partisan manner. The month of February, also recorded cases of intra-party violence, use of hate language by political parties. Intra-party violence was recorded in Gweru Chiwundura between members of the MDC-T. The misunderstanding was on who was the preferred successor of the late party president. Figure 8. Villagers who had names omitted from beneficiary list 13

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