It is alleged that during a food for work program targeted towards community development, Zanu PF members were undeservingly given 50kg bags of maize per individual at the expense of deserving villagers who had actually done the required work. Reports are that on 13 May at Kawanzira village in Mazowe Central Zanu PF members Jacob Mudzudzu, Itai Taremba and Maitiro Kawanzara were among the people that received bags of maize without taking part in the food for work program. It is alleged that in Gwanda North at Nyandeni resettlements ward 5, beneficiaries were denied food aid by Bhigo Moyo and several other Zanu PF members. It is alleged that, Moyo and crew took several bags of maize for themselves and only distributed a few bags of maize to some deserving beneficiaries. Unfortunately, others returned home without food hampers. Robert Moyo a known MDC supporter is among those that were denied food aid. It is alleged that Zanu PF councilor Peter Chinyoka violated the rights of the elderly during community food distribution at Dandamera village, ward 15 in Mazowe West. Reports are that on 19 May Chinyoka addressed villagers saying next month social welfare food aid will be allocated to beneficiaries who would have conducted assigned work tasks such as cleaning drainages. Some of the beneficiaries are elderly community members who cannot perform the manual tasks. It is alleged that there was a partisan distribution of food in Binga North at Siansundu Business Centre on 9 May. Chief Saba is alleged to have announced that food aid is provided by the Zanu PF led government and should therefore benefit those who support Zanu PF. MDC-T activists and supporters were removed from the list of beneficiaries. A member of Lobengula ward 14 taskforce, Mr Magumise, is alleged to have forced two elderly women to vacate Lobengula Hall during food aid distribution. On 18 May the elderly women had notified Magumise that they had not been given their monthly handouts of food aid meant for the elderly and disabled community members when they were ordered to vacate or be escorted out by police officers. In Tsholotsho North at Gcekeni line ward 5, three Zanu PF members identified as Mnqobi Ndlovu, Patricia Bhenyu and Boarder Ndlovu are alleged to have forced villagers to join and chant Zanu PF slogans during food distribution. Villagers were 17

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