running down the farm. Thereafter it is alleged he was physically assaulted by the soldiers using sticks and clubs. After the alleged physical assault it was then said he was forced to exhume human manure from a disused blair toilet on the farm compound. He is said to have suffered some injuries which forced him to seek medical attention at Mutambara Hospital. had recently got a replacement of a lost national identification card was turned away by one ZEC official at Mashonjowa Primary School. It was reported that after a heated argument with the head at the station Chibomba was finally told that he (the ZEC) official did not take information and instructions from the media. He is also alleged to have said he was waiting for official communication from his superiors. Vendors in Mutare Central are alleged to have been forcefully driven out of the CBD on 6 December, by a combined team of Municipal Police, Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Army. It was reported that on the date the united force of the three descended on the streets and high density suburbs of Mutare forcefully driving vendors out of their vending sites. This move is also alleged to have been undertaken in the wake of few and shortage of designated vending sites in the area and the vendors are also alleged to have been told to go to their rural homes if they were not formally employed. In Buhera Central, ward 20 at Baravara shopping centre, a case of political intimidation at a farming inputs distribution gathering was recorded on 13 December. It is alleged that while the distribution was going smoothly, Felix Nangatidza who is ward 20 councillor rose and started encouraging villagers to register to vote. Nangatidza is alleged to have gone on to tell the gathering that the villagers were not supposed to forget the 2008 political violence, hence as they register and vote they should do it wisely if they did not want a repeat of 2008. He is also alleged to have said that villagers must not be carried away by the ascendency of President Mnangagwa as he was also part of the 2008 system so nothing has changed in reference to the Zanu PF modus operandi. He is also reported to have said not registering to vote was a serious crime. Village head Mutaurwa, of Buhera North ward 10, is alleged to have called villagers to a Zanu PF meeting on 6 December. It is reported the villagers were asked to bring voter registration slips to the meeting. Mutaurwa is alleged to have said that Zanu PF district members are the ones who wanted the serial numbers on the voter registration slips and had sent Mateu Machokoto who happened to be at the meeting to collect the serial numbers. On 28 December it is reported that a political meeting was held at Berzeley Bridge, in Mutare South. It is alleged that the meeting left most in fear as a result of the threats which were uttered at the meeting for people to vote for Zanu PF in the 2018 polls or face consequences. Gift Makoni* of Nyachityu village ward 10 was one of the victims. Berzeley Bridge is in Mutare South under Chief Marange who also was allegedly not recognized by the guest speaker and Mutare West legislator Christopher Mushohwe. The villagers at the meeting were allegedly threatened and told that Mutare West was never going to hold any Zanu PF primary elections for the 2018 House of Assembly candidate as Mushohwe was not supposed to be contested. Makoni the victim was present at the meeting on behalf of his brother who is Nyachityu head. The targeted audience of the meeting were the Zanu PF executive, headmen, kraal heads, churches and Chief Marange who were told to list names of opposition supporters. On 9 December in Makoni Central it is reported that soldiers from 3.2 infantry battalion allegedly assaulted people at Vengere bottle store. It is said that some of the victims were watching soccer and some drinking beer at this bottle store when the military invaded the bottle store. Five people allegedly lost cell phones as they fled and Lenon Chigubhu*is reported to have broken his leg in the process. In Chimanimani East, ward 15 at Chimanimani Country Club on 10 December, it is reported that two separate groups of soldiers assaulted Chris Chisvo* and Bruce Hwedza* around 9pm when they were allegedly caught in a compromising position in the nearby Golf Course. However, both Chisvo and Hwedza are said to have failed to seek treatment in fear of the soldiers who were also stationed at the adjacent Police Station. In Chimanimani West at Mashonjwa Primary, on 12 December, it is reported that contrary to what the November High Court ruling on so called aliens they were still being denied the right to register as voters. Simon Chibomba* who 9

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