THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT “The conduct of some NGOs and PVOs who operate outside their mandates and out of sync with the government’s humanitarian priority programmes, remains a cause for concern,” the President was quoted in NewsDay of October 23, 2020 In what appears a systematic attempt to tighten control on non-governmental organisations, ,President Mnangagwa said Parliament, where the ruling Zanu PF has a majority, would consider a “Private Voluntary Organisations” Amendment Bill to revamp the administration of NGOs and PVOs and correct the current anomalies.” The statements come in wake of sustained harassment, abductions, arbitrary arrests, and persecution by prosecution of civil society actors, especially those involved in human rights work. For merely asking government to do the right thing and respect the constitution and improve the lives of citizens, and for calling for an end to high-level corruption, citizens and civil society actors have faced a backlash from government. It must be noted that non-governmental organisations, which operate independently have a key role in any democracy in holding government to account, and in complementing the work of government in all sectors. Countrywide, CSOs have impacted the population directly and indirectly through sustainable solutions in various sectors such as finance, education, and healthcare; efforts that have helped improve the quality of life of citizens. Civil society work includes, but is not limited to, environmental protection, social justice, advocacy and human rights protection, the promotion of social and political cohesion and the development of society, improvement in communities, and promotion of citizen participation. This role is very critical and as such, it is disheartening that with all this vast contribution, government and the ruling party falsely see the work of civil society organisations as a threat to power. 8

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