 On 14 January 2016, Simon Gundu (not real name) was displaced from a tuckshop he was renting in Gweshe Village, Ward 17 for supporting the MDC-T by a ZanuPF local chairperson, Chikukwa Kazembe.  On 17 January 2016, Noah Vambe of Zanu-PF was allegedly caught stealing a bag of fertiliser from an MDC-T supporter at the victim’s house in Gunguwo Village, Ward 33 in Mazowe Central. He was taken to the police and the matter was brought before the courts where he was sentenced to three months in jail. It is alleged that Vambe said he stole because the MDC-T supporter received the fertiliser from Zanu-PF.  On 20 January 2016, residents of Rujeko Township, Ward 33 were forced to participate in Zanu-PF committees and structures whether they liked it or not. They were insulted and threatened by the local party leadership and the people agreed because of fear.  On 24 January 2016, Oliver Mavhangira aged 36 and Rodrick Jacha aged 34 both Zanu-PF youths, allegedly harassed Brian Hunda (not real name) quizzing him on why he did not write a resignation letter notifying Zanu-PF that he was going to join People First. The incident occurred at Progress Shopping Centre, Ward 12 in Bindura North. Mavhangira is the Zanu-PF chairperson for Ward 12, Gushungo Branch.  On 28 January 2016, in Chigwiza Village, Ward 10 in Mazowe Central, Zanu PF chairperson for Ward 10, one Alexander Chigwada called for a meeting to form cells in Badzarigere and Chigwiza villages. He allegedly told people to support only Zanu-PF so that when food and fertiliser is delivered they would benefit. He threatened all those who supported any other opposition party that they were going to be dealt with. Mashonaland East Like the rest of the provinces in the Mashonaland region, the emergence of the People First party seemed to be causing Zanu-PF sleepless nights. At Zanu-PF meetings people were told not to associate with people suspected of supporting People First. Also notable is the rate at which former Zanu-PF members who were ousted from the party were joining People First. In other development, people associated with the opposition continue to be discriminated against at food distribution points for being non-Zanu-PF supporters. It is alleged that village heads are instructed not to include people from the opposition on their lists of beneficiaries of government aid. Highlights:  On 2 January 2016, a former MDC-T councillor was taken to an office at Nyamuyaruka Business Centre by one, Chinditi, where he was asked to give 16

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