Provincial Outlook HARARE MASHONALAND EAST Intimidation was reported in Hunyani constituency on 4 September following the inauguration ceremony of President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the national sports stadium. It is alleged that Zanu PF youths led by Chigodora forced proprietors to close their businesses to attend the inauguration ceremony of the President at the national sports station. Reports indicate that the youths advised business persons and everyone at shopping areas to close business saying ZUPCO buses would be ready at 8 am to ferry people to the inauguration ceremony of the President. At Super-stands shopping areas proprietors and vendors were threatened with assault to attend the inauguration ceremony. Some proprietors in Hunyani were allegedly made to contribute $3.00 USD to facilitate transport for people to attend President Emmerson Mnangagwa's inauguration at the National Sports Stadium. A case on the right to personal security was reported in Highfields Egypt areas on 1 September. It is alleged that a CCC activist only identified as Kwenda was abducted and assaulted by suspected state security agents around 11pm at home. Reports indicate that Kwenda acted as a CCC election agent in Marondera during the harmonized elections. Sources say that the victim was taken as far as Kariba during the torture. He was later found dumped and badly beaten and was taken to hospital for treatment. The incident reportedly left the victim and his relatives living in fear. It is alleged that villagers were forced to mobilize resources to celebrate Zanu PF's 2023 election victory in Mudzi South Ward 12. Reports opine that on 10 September, Zanu PF Donzwe District Youth Chairperson, and FAZ member Shungu Karimbika forced all young people in ward 12 to contribute to aUSD1 per person to host a party to celebrate Zanu PF’s victory after the 2023 polls. Those who defied their orders were reportedly threatened with assault. Intimidation was also reported in Mutoko South ward on 30 September 2023. It is alleged that Mr. and Mrs Muchada received a phone call from Zanu PF Councillor Chimuteka inquiring if they were aware that their son Misheck was part of a CCC campaign team that was spotted sticking CCC posters in Ward 5. Reports say that the family is living in fear following the phone call from Chimuteka who also did not specify his intentions thereafter. It is said that Chimuteka’s tone during the telephone conversation expressed clearly that he was up to something. In Goromonzi South, it is alleged that a CCC polling agent was brutally assaulted by suspected Zanu PF activists in Caledonia Ward 4 on 1 September. Reports indicate that the victim was bashed by suspected Zanu PF activists who accused him of being a sellout. The incident happened on 1 September when the victim was heading home from the shopping centre. The victim was left nursing serious injuries. MASHONALAND WEST Intimidation was reported in Mashonaland West on September 6. It is alleged that a woman (name withheld) who observed the harmonised elections under ZESN was harassed and accused of being a CCC agent by Zanu PF supporters. The incident happened at Kingchim business centre in Chakari Ward 2. The victim was confronted by Zanu PF activists led by Tariro Runoza for wearing an observer T-shirt. The victim reportedly tried to explain the difference between an observer and an agent but in vain. She reportedly complied and promised not to wear the T-shirt again. It is alleged that Zanu PF supporters disrupted a swearing ceremony for CCC Kadoma Mayor Nigel Rozario.. Reports indicate that when Rozario was elected Kadoma Mayor, Zanu PF supporters disrupted the event singing and chanting revolutionary songs resulting in chaos. Inter party violence followed with CCC members clashing with the ruling party youths. It is alleged that 8 CCC youths and 2 Zanu PF youths sustained injuries following the conflict. In Hurungwe West ward 17 under Chief Nyamhunga 's jurisdiction, it is alleged that village head Zviicha Bombo Makudzachamba compiled a list ofCCC members saying it was a directive from Heritage trust and FAZ members. The same incident was reported in Kaimbanemoyo village in the same ward where village head Gift Mafinya compiled a list of opposition supporters. The compiled lists left many people living in fear. 12

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