MAY 3.0. CASE FILES 26 May 2020 Harare , MDC Alliance Harare Province Youth Organiser Lovejoy Chitengu was arrested and detained at Harare Central police station. Reports indicate that he was driven in a Toyota Quantum with unmarked plates, often spotted at Park Town Hospital where MDC youth assembly members were hospitalised. Mashonaland East Uzumba, Kagonda Village Ward 6 3 May 2020 Pedzisai Nyamuka a Zanu PF activist harassed and intimidated an MDC activist (name withheld) over unpaid Independence Day commemorations subscriptions. The victim had not contributed anything arguing that the commemorations had been cancelled due to the COVID19 restrictions. He was still coerced to pay the money. Zvishavane Ngezi Constituency 21 May 2020 State security agents enforced tight restrictions on those getting into the central business district. About 120 people queuing for sugar, (which is scarce) at a local wholesaler were assaulted by soldiers. This tight enforcement coincided with a visit by First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, to the area on May 22. Bindura North, Ward 6 1 May 2020 Zanu PF ward secretary Grace Yaso distributed maize from the Social Welfare Department meant for vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities to ruling party members only. Most of the people present found their names missing from the list of beneficiaries. REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TO +263 77 488 3406 +263 77 488 3417

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