Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 NOVEMBER 2022 4.3 Politicization of government inputs On 6 November, during a hand-over of 250 plots from Green Fuel to villagers in Chinyamukwakwa, Chisumbanje area in Chipinge, Lands and Agriculture minister Anxious Masuka exposed Zanu PF’s politicization of state resources. Masuka told villagers that they would only receive free farming inputs if they vote for Zanu PF’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the 2023 elections. Masuka also stated that Zanu PF legislators had been given the mandate to oversee the distribution of government farming inputs, arguing that the inputs were from the government and Zanu PF formed the government. ZPP has documented several cases in which Zanu PF has used government inputs to coerce communities in rural areas to vote for the party in elections. Since most rural communities survive on government inputs and food aid, it is difficult to realise their right to political affiliation. ZPP recommends the adoption of the following interventions to ensure the reduction in the politicisation of government inputs: 4.3.1 Parliament exercise the oversight role to ensure that government inputs are distributed non-selectively without limitation and regardless of their political affiliation, gender, disability, race. 4.3.2 Document and expose cases of politicization of government inputs to ensure that political parties desist from the practice. Mobile App Report Social, Political, Economic, Civil and Cultural violations in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 7

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