The families, facing a hostile environment, requested a letter from Chitemere to relocate to other villages but were denied, labelling them CCC members and claiming their movement to other villages would negatively impact others. In other villages, ZPP has noted that traditional leaders are unjustly coercing beneficiaries of government aid for the vulnerable to participate in infrastructure rehabilitation programs casually termed ‘food for work’ programs. These have been noted in Vungu district in Midlands, Masvingo North, Bikita East, Gutu Central and Mutare North among others. In Ward 10, Mutare North in Manicaland, kraalhead Phanuel Hama Marange is leading the villagers who benefit from the social welfare distributed food aid in making damaged roads. The villagers mainly work from 7 am to 9 am with bare hands and using their own tools such as shovels, wheelbarrows and hoes. Reports also state that villagers are fined US$1 should they absent themselves. In a similar incident in Bikita South in Masvingo, villagers who wanted to benefit from food aid were assigned duties under the food for work program and worked for two months but have not received the promised aid. The Zimbabwe Peace Project notes with concern how the unfair practices and political bias in food aid for the vulnerable undermines the integrity of citizens and exacerbates vulnerability among already marginalised communities. ZPP strongly recommends the Parliament of Zimbabwe to work closely with the Ministry of Social Welfare to investigate and review the processes of distribution of food aid to curb political bias and mismanagement. Unfair labour practices Incidents have been reported where foreign investors are ill-treating workers and community in their areas of operation. Rape of underage girls Other HUMAN RIGHTS TRENDS Water crisis Education The alarming prevalence of rape and sexual exploitation of underage girls in Zimbabwe constitutes a grave violation of their fundamental human rights, dignity, and childhood. Water crisis gravely compromises the realization of human rights, particularly the rights to life, health, and dignity, emphasizing the urgent need for equitable and sustainable water management solutions. The practice of excluding children from educational facilities due to non-payment of fees constitutes a violation of Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 6

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