#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASH EAST “YOU MUST BURN ANY UNIDENTIFIED VEHICLE THAT ATTEMPTS TO DRIVE INTO MUREHWA NORTH WARD 10” ZANU PF CHAIRPERSON TAKESURE KASHESHA The month of April marked the immediate post-election period and in Mashonaland East, there was widespread targeting of CCC members and any citizens wearing the CCC brand colour, yellow. In one of the incidents, which happened on 23 April, Zanu PF supporters convened a meeting at Duku Business Centre in Murehwa North and the party’s Chairperson Takesure Kashesha allegedly told Zanu PF supporters that he was not happy with CCC activities that were being done in the Ward. He ordered youths to mount road blocks to ensure that CCC vehicles do not entre Ward 10. “Mota ichapinda muno yatisingazivi tichaipisa (You must burn any unidentified vehicle that attempts to drive into Ward 10). In another incident, at Chitate Primary School Ward 8 in Murehwa North, a Zanu PF Councillor Masimba Gumira gathered villagers to celebrate his victory in the 26 March by-elections. During the celebrations Gumira told villagers to desist from wearing yellow clothes. “Watichaona akapfeka hembe dzeyellow tichamuita kafira mberi (We will beat to death anyone we see wearing yellow)”. At Mug Farm in Macheke on 4 April, Zanu PF activist Ricky Chiwara went around threatening those who had participated in the March by-election as observers. He accused the observers of pushing a regime change agenda. In addition to the targeting of CCC supporters, the Chinese have continued to encroach into a significant number of communities in Mutoko. A number of families, whose lives are hinged on agriculture, are at risk of losing their land as village heads are parcelling out land to Chinese Black Granite Companies. In one of the cases, at Gwenambira Village in Ward 10 of Mutoko North, one Loveness Mungate had her farming land pegged by the Chinese owned mining company. The Village head, one Gwenambira reportedly received USD 20 from the Chinese company, leading him to parcel out part of Mungate’s farming land. ZPP has continued to advocate against the seizure of land for the use of mining activities. This not only takes away the villagers’ access to their land, but it also impacts negatively on the environment. The situation is made worse by the fact that the foreign owned mining companies do nothing to recoup their huge export earnings back to the land where the granite is extracted. 17

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