E A R LY W A R N I N G B U L L E T I N presenting a petition against Kasukuwere and Harare province commissar, Shadreck Mashayamombe were attacked by the duo’s supporters. Three people were injured and anti-riot police dispersed the fighting groups33. • May 21, Bulawayo, Davis Hall, at a meeting attended by Vice President Mphoko, district youth chairperson Magura Charumbira was reportedly stabbed over differences emanating from the fate of the Political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere. During this melee, vendors nearby had their wares looted34. irregular electoral practices.37. • April 2, Chegutu Central, fights ensued between MDC-T members in Ward 6. It is alleged that individuals aligned to aspiring MP Mr. Charlton Hwende fought and injured a party member known as Mai Jojo and in the process property was destroyed38 • April 24, Alaska Ward 4, Chinhoyi town, MDC-T members clashed over 2018 local authority election nominations, in the violence one person was reportedly injured and hospitalized39. While these incidents appear isolated and dispersed, they do evidence the increasing tensions within the ruling party and the easy resort to violence to resolve differences or assert one’s position of authority. Economic Decline: Run on the Banks The Zimbabwean economy has seen worse, and continues to decline rapidly characterized by increased informality, unemployment, low industrial capacity utilization40, liquidity crisis and depleted foreign currency reserves, increasing domestic debt and significant trade deficit among other negative economic growth indices. Since the official introduction of the multicurrency regime in 2009, Zimbabwe has steadily shifted towards the introduction of its own currency through the printing of bond notes41, and uncontrolled issuance of treasury bills.42 Local bank deposits are not backed by any foreign currency reserves and cannot therefore be used for international payments or trade prompting the Reserve Bank, and banks to issue restrictions on non-priority payments. The local currency of trade has effectively become the real time gross system (RTGS). The overdraft facility under the Reserve Bank has been used to fund several quasi fiscal activities including some contested policies such as command agriculture. The decisions made have grave consequences for the economy. For instance: treasury bills were issued to offset debts owed to electricity authority by local authorities for about $600 million; treasury bills were issued to cover command agriculture worth over $250 million43; and treasury bills are likely to fund and subsidize MDC-T and opposition parties The MDC-T has gone through phases of internal violence since its formation, contributing to splitting of the opposition. Internal processes to address differences seem insufficient and incapable of resolving these differences. The incidents of violence are numerous and have created a narrative of an opposition that is not capable of stamping out violence, equally thrives on use of force to instil discipline, fear and command like Zanu PF.35 The formative discussions for the grand coalition have led to violence in the MDC-T, with Vice President Thokozani Khupe, Chairperson Lovemore Moyo and Organising Secretary Abednigo Bhebhe and other members attacked in Bulawayo offices by identified youths from Harare on August 6. The three were targeted for what was seen as snubbing the signing of the MDC Alliance in Harare the previous day. These actions were roundly condemned. The Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) also suffered a split (the first on 8 February, and the second at the beginning of May) with senior leaders resigning in quick succession leaving Joice Mujuru to form National People’s Party (NPP). Senior staffers and officials within Mujuru’s party fought publicly.36 Some of the incidents reported involving the opposition include the following: • January 21, Gweru, about 150 MDC-T members gathered at Mtapa Hall to elect a new Ward 7 chairperson but the meeting was aborted after violence erupted over alleged http://www.zimpeaceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ZPP-APRIL-MMR. pdf 34 http://www.zimpeaceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MMR-May-2017-1. pdf 35 https://www.newsday.co.zw/2017/08/10/mdc-t-violence-history-impunity/ (last accessed 5 September 2017) 36 http://www.financialgazette.co.zw/mujurus-party-splits/, http://www.herald.co.zw/ latest-zimpf-splits-again/ 33 10 http://www.zimpeaceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ZPP-JanuaryMMR-.pdf 38 http://www.zimpeaceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ZPP-APRIL-MMR. pdf 39 http://www.zimpeaceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ZPP-APRIL-MMR. pdf 40 Passing of Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016 was also met with mixed views though it was supported by local business member associations and chambers of commerce, see for instance USAID Strategic Economic Research and Analysis (SERA) Program Draft Report on the Review of the Impacts of Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016 http://pdf. usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00MDKJ.pdf , (last accessed 29 August 2017) 41 http://spotlight-z.com/news/zimbabwe-secretly-printing-money-since-2012/ (last accessed 29 August 2017) 42 https://www.newsday.co.zw/2017/06/27/govt-overdraft-stifles-2017-budget-support/ http://www.financialgazette.co.zw/treasury-bills-fuel-cash-crisis/ (last accessed 29 August 2017) 43 Statutory Instrument 79 of 2017, Agricultural Marketing Authority (Command Agriculture Scheme for Domestic Crop, Livestock and Fisheries Production) Regulations, 2017 has been passed to prosecute those who abuse this facility. There are mixed sentiments of whether command agriculture was successful or not. 37

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