The fate of Itai Dzamara the human rights activist and journalist who was abducted on 9 March 2015 remains unknown. wn. A national prayer meeting for Dzamara that was scheduled for the 14th of June 2015 was postponed after alleged interference by the police. Amnesty International correctly notes that enforced disappearances are frequently used as a strategy to spread te terror rror within society. The feeling of insecurity and fear it generates is not limited to the close relatives of the disappeared, but also affects communities and society as a whole. On 15 March 2015 Zimbabwe received 5,400 metric tonnes of rice worth 8 mil million lion USD from the government of China to help alleviate food shortages. According to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Prisca Mupfumira the rice was to be distributed to accredited institutions accommodating vulnerable children, old people, the disabled, prisoners and poor families throughout the country. There have been allegations that this rice has been diverted to other uses and is commonly distributed at Zanu PF functions and during campaigns. This report will highlight a number of cases across the country which involves discrimination in the distribution of rice. A total of 215 cases were recorded in June 2015, as the graph below will show, this has been the average number of violations since the beginning of the year. The seemingly mingly low numbers of violations mask deep and growing tensions centred around intra party conflicts which are protracted within both the ruling Zanu PF party and the opposition MDC MDC-T. T. Since the beginning of the year ZPP has been noting how the divisions within ithin Zanu PF have resulted in threats, intimidation, assaults and discrimination against members perceived to belong to the gamatox faction. Factional politics within the MDC-TT is increasingly turning violent and the opposition movement seems likely to further disintegrate. egrate. The country has been in election mode since January 2015 due to by-elections elections and campaigns around these elections have in some cases turned violent with increasing threats and intimidation. 224 250 200 155 152 216 215 156 150 100 50 0 January February March April May June Figure 1: January to June 2015 Violations Figures PROVINCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Bulawayo The by-elections elections held in the province’s five constituencies were the highlight in June. Though very few cases of physical violence were reported, many incidents of threats of assaults and vot vote buying were recorded. Intra-party party conflicts within Zanu PF were more visible as the party saw real chances of grabbing all the seats since the MDC MDC-T was boycotting the elections. Many Zanu PF activists were 4

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