inclusion of Makwengura and demanded that his name be removed but Kumire told them that it was not possible as the names had already been submitted. It is reported that Kumire involves his relatives every time aid is delivered in the area. Midlands   On 2 February 2016, councillor Ben Matanga (Zanu-PF) allegedly denied MDC-T supporter Lewis Zhou (not real name) of Manyaka Village Ward 18, Mberengwa South access to food aid on the basis of his political affiliation. The government had availed maize to mitigate the effects of drought. The councillor reportedly told the victim to go away as he was not mandated to serve the opposition. In a case of denial of educational assistance due to political inclination, Nyasha Murindi (not real name) (11yrs) a Grade 5 pupil at a school in Ward 17 Gokwe Sesame was denied access to Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) assistance by a member of the BEAM committee Kudakwashe Nhidza (Zanu-PF) on the basis that the pupil’s parents are MDC-T members. The committee was tasked to select beneficiaries from a list of disadvantaged children and the actor allegedly said that the victim could not be assisted because he comes from a family that supports the opposition party. 27

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