supporter is reported to have had an argument with the deputy head, only identified as Taderera over the appointment of Zanu-PF committee members. It is said the misunderstanding resulted in Zunde assaulting Taderera who is a Zanu-PF supporter.  On 20 February 2016, in Chinhoyi constituency in Ward 9, a former Ward 3 Zanu-PF councillor, Chipo Chakweza who defected to ZimPF and is campaigning for a position in the new party, allegedly humiliated and provoked Ella Chauke (not real name) who is also interested in a position. This ended up with a conflict between the two and resulted in the disruption of a party meeting.  On 22 February 2016, Simon Zungunde (not real name) of MDC-T was in trouble for saying President Mugabe was selfish for having the 21st February Movement celebrations. He was allegedly threatened with disappearance by Gibson Phiri of Zanu-PF. It is reported the victim was afraid and quickly went home.  On 28 February 2016, in Rimuka Ward 2, Kadoma Central there was a clash between 13 Zanu-PF youths led by Fidelis Chakona aged 33 and nine ZimPF youths led by former Zanu-PF Ward 2 chairperson William Kuchena aged 38. The perpetrators were allegedly Zanu-PF youths who intended to disturb the ZimPF youth meeting in the ward. Zanu-PF youths were overpowered by the ZimPF youths and fled. The incident took place at Rimuka High School ground.  On 13 February 2016, in Hurungwe West, three men from Temba Mliswa's organisation, YARD, were arrested after they were heard discussing legislator Keith Guzha and claiming he was not able to lead the area. They were suggesting that Mliswa should regain his post as Member of Parliament for the constituency. The victims were allegedly picked up by some suspected state agents and taken to Karoi for questioning. They were told not to interact with people as their movements were being monitored. Masvingo Celebrations to mark the 92nd birthday of the state President were held at the Great Zimbabwe monument and people both the employed and the unemployed were made to fork out monies towards the event. This is despite the fact that the province is witnessing a severe drought and the cropping season has already been declared a write off. On the other hand, events leading to the celebrations were marred by controversy as the expelled provincial chairperson Ezra Chadzamira defied his superiors’ orders and continued to delve into the birthday preparations against the wishes of the powers that be. The chairperson claimed due process was not followed in his expulsion. All his defiance is due to factional and succession politics in Zanu-PF. Chadzimira is believed to be pushing the agenda of a faction known as Team Lacoste which is believed to be garnering for Mnangagwa to succeed President Mugabe. Highlights:  On 2 February 2016, in Bikita East, teachers at Gangara Secondary School and Mhandadzaka Primary School and other civil servants in the district were forced to 19

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