In Chivi Central, on 8 December, it was reported that Kariot Chidhiya a nurse at Chibi Mission Clinic was visited by soldiers who had allegedly been told by some people that he was a G40 member who was causing discomfort in the community. It was reported that these soldiers allegedly told him that if they ever heard that he is talking about G-40 he will be thrown into ‘everlasting darkness’. On 13 December, in Masvingo West ward 5 in Mashava, it was reported that the ward secretary of the Zanu PF women’s league identified as Maphosa embarked on a programme of collection of voter registration slips from residents. It was reported that Maphosa went door to door demanding the voter registration slips and national identification cards and he was going listing all the details in a book. Threat level: Low On the 1st of December at Simatele business centre Binga North constituency, it was reported that a Zanu PF candidate Cephas Mudenda threatened four MDC-T supporters saying that should his party fail to record a landslide victory in the forthcoming 2018 elections, then the army would ‘intervene’ to protect the interests of the party. Reports suggests that Mudenda underscored the fact that whether they win or lose elections, army generals would protect Zanu PF by any means necessary. It is alleged that Mudenda equally castigated the MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai. In Chiredzi West, ward 2 a civilian was assaulted by members of the Zimbabwe National Army on 19 December. It is alleged that Noel Chazireni who is said to be mentally ill was assaulted by a group of soldiers who were patrolling the area in groups of four. It was said that the reasons for his assault was that he had allegedly criticized the latest political developments in the country insinuating that the removal of Mugabe had worsened things. Chazireni was assaulted and was subsequently admitted at Chiredzi general hospital for close to 3 days. The perpetrators were not identified Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 2 0 Kidnapping/abduction 0 1 Discrimination 0 5 Intimidation/harassment 7 11 Unlawful Detention 0 1 On the 13th of December 2017, at Section B, Hwange Central constituency, it was reported that Clement Mudenda demanded voter registration slips from individuals who had successfully registered ahead of the 2018 elections. It is said that Mudenda claimed that he was sent by MDC-T councillor for ward 9 only identified as Maphosa. While capturing individual’s serial numbers, Mudenda claimed that Maphosa had instructed that individuals should register and submit their serial numbers. On the 24th of December at Lupane Beerhall, Lupane West constituency, it was reported that two suspected soldiers together with known Zanu PF member Mbongeni Dube, assaulted Pearson Ncubeover an unclear political argument. It is said that the trio, manhandled Ncube and threatened to ‘eliminate’ him if he continued subscribing to any thinking that contradicted the new dispensation. The issue was not reported to the police. . 14 Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Assault 1 0 Theft/looting 0 1 Discrimination 0 3 Displacement 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 3 4

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