Right to Education In the month of June, ZPP recorded 2 cases. Masvingo and Midlands recorded a case each. A case on the right to education was reported in Kariba at Kariba Primary School on 30 June 2023. Pupils were turned away from school over non-payment of tuition fees including those who are registered under the government BEAM scheme. It is said that School Development Committee (SDC) chairperson Dorcas Kandela and School head Bridget Masocha went class by class sending students home. The United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 sustainable development goal number 4 (four) advocates for inclusive and equitable quality education which promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all and is in line with the national legislative framework in Zimbabwe. Section 75 of the Zimbabwe Constitution says, ‘every citizen and permanent resident of Zimbabwe has a right to – (a) basic State-funded education, including adult basic education’. SPECIAL FOCUS Right to administrative justice In the month of June, ZPP recorded 5 cases of right to administrative justice. Mashonaland Central recorded 3 cases and Harare had 2 cases. A case on the right to administrative justice was reported in Mt Darwin West at Chitse Clinic in ward 12. It is said that parents were finding it difficult to get birth records because of high fees charged by the institution. They said the USD5 fee was too steep and not affordable. It is alleged that the clinic was charging $5 USD which is not affordable to villagers. Reports indicate that over the years, late registration incurred a charge of $1.00 USD. Section 68 of the Constitution stipulates that every Zimbabwean has a right to administrative conduct that is lawful, prompt, efficient, reasonable, proportionate, impartial and both substantively and procedurally fair. PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK Mashonaland West The activities of the Zanu PF affiliate Forever Association Zimbabwe continued to violate citizens’ rights to freedom of assembly and association. On 23 June, Zanu PF youths Jealous Mutemachani and Mavis Kanokora barred two CCC members from attending a soccer gala in Hurungwe West Mashuma village in ward 17. The ruling party youths, who are devout members of FAZ confronted the two CCC members before probing who had invited them for the activity. This did not go down well with others who challenged them for politicising the event resulting in chaos. Eventually Mutemachani and Kanokora left the event threatening people with unspecified action. 18

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