Key Findings and Mitigation Measures Continued use of Abductions to silence opposition ZPP recorded two major cases of abductions in November where both victims were members of the opposition party, CCC. One of the Victims Takudzwa Ngadzioere, a member of parliament was severely assaulted and tortured and was reportedly injected with unknown substances before being dumped about 50km from Harare. In another case, a member of the opposition (CCC), Bishop Tapfumaneyi Masaya in Mabvuku-Tafara Constituency lost his life after an abduction while he was campaigning for a CCC candidate who was contesting to be a Member of Parliament in his constituency in the upcoming by-elections. Bishop Masaya was found dead on the 11th of November. In both cases no arrests have been made. The continued abductions are largely carried out by alleged state security agents and political actors Section 53 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which states that no person may be subjected to physical or psychological torture. The act in itself deters citizens to freely enjoy their civil and political rights for fear of victimization. Recommendations 1. ZPP urges the Zimbabwean government and the Zimbabwe Republic Police to thoroughly investigate cases of abductions and bring perpetrators to book. the government of Zimbabwe should also work closely with law enforcers to create a safer and peaceful environment where citizens and public officials can both enjoy their rights and freedoms without fear or favour. 2. Zimbabwe should ratify the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. 8

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