of mobilising villagers to attend an MDC rally which was held at Muchakata Business Centre on 30 November 2019. The eight also accused Mandlovu* of working with unnamed NGO's in Chiwundura which they alleged facilitated community activities in collusion with the opposition party. Mandlovu* was assaulted in full view of his family members by the assailants before they fled into the dark. On 13 December 2019, a number of MDC youths were attacked by suspected Zanu PF youths in Shurugwi Rural, ward 6 where a by-election was due to take place on December 14. Unidentified MDC youths were allegedly assaulted several times and their fliers burnt by the Zanu PF youths. According to MDC Deputy Provincial Organizing Secretary for Midlands, Moses Mikaeli, the environment became unconducive for their members to conduct their campaign activities. The incident was reported to the police but no arrests have been made so far. Harassment and intimidation remains common on the Zimbabwean landscape. Civil servants are not spared from this violation. On 22 December 2019 a case of harassment and intimidation was reported in Chakari at Milverton Primary School. Teachers who stay at the school were harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF activists, Pedzisai Chadenga and Collen Chinyani over poor performance after a sizeable number of grade seven pupils dismally failed their 2019 examinations. Chadenga and Chinyani used their political influence to harass the teachers and threatened them with transfers from the school if future grade seven learners failed. The teachers did not report the matter to the police fearing further victimization. Such harassment can further demoralise civil servants who are already disgruntled as a result of their earnings that are not catering for all their needs. It never rains but pours for Cyclone Idai victims in Chimanimani East who are still living in tents, 10 months after their homes and livelihoods were destroyed by the floods. In September 2019 there were reports of food aid meant for the victims rotting in warehouses and some victims being given food that was past the expiry date. In ward 13, Machongwe growth point, and ward 15 Arboretum Camp, villagers accused the District Administrator’s office and an unidentified NGO of distributing disease infected chickens. A woman from the area claimed she had lost 85 broilers worth nearly ZWL$10,000 after the donated chickens infected her chickens. In response, angry villagers demanded that the NGO be held accountable for these losses.

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