PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK DECEMBER 2024 JANUARY 2025 25 20 15 10 5 M an ic al an M d as h C en tr al M as h Ea st M as h W es t M as vi ng o M at N or th M at So ut h M id la nd s Ha ra re Bu la w ay o 0 Mashonaland Central Midlands In Mashonaland Central, 13 human rights violations In Midlands Province, 13 human rights violations were documented, against 5 in the previous month. were documented in January alone. These The violations included intimidation and harassment, incidents involve intimidation and harassment by denial of the right to education, particularly the political activists and state security agents, sending away of students on the BEAM scheme due creating a climate of fear and repression. The to no payment of fees. In several villages, village ruling ZANU PF party's provincial members have meetings have been politicised. At one village issued ominous warnings, threatening "painful meeting in Mazowe South, a female victim was action" against those involved in opposing the threatened with unspecified action for not evidently possible extension of the presidential term limit. supporting the '2030 anenge achipo.’ Humiliated in This has sparked concerns about the potential for front of other villagers, the victim was sent away and the erosion of democratic principles leading to a is now fearing eviction in the village. Such acts instill chilling effect, where individuals are reluctant to a culture of fear among villagers as some political express activists are considered to wield a lot of power opposition activities. Intra-party conflicts within hence disregarding people’s political rights and the opposition CCC have also contributed to the fundamental freedoms. tensions, with members threatening each other dissenting views or participate in with violence. The rise in political tensions has put a host of fundamental freedoms under threat, including freedom of expression, assembly, and association. 8

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