THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT Zimbabwe is in the grip of a nationwide water crisis due to poor rains and drought. Most local authorities have been forced to ration water. But Bulawayo is facing the worst crisis. In its recent research on access to water, ZPP identified the poor and old water infrastructure as a major cause of the deprivation of the right to water. ZPP also noted that government and local authorities have not invested enough in the maintenance of existing water reticulation infrastructure and has not done enough to construct morden infrastructure to harvest, pump and distribute clean, safe and potable water to all. ZPP recommends that government prioritises water as it is a basic right as in Section 77 of the Constitution. A pupil at Chikhovo Primary School in Chiredzi, opens the gate while a goat looks on. Schools opened today for exam classes for the first time in six months. The opening of schools in October was marked by chaos as government failed to provide adequate PPE and teachers remained on strike, citing poor wages and demanding at least US$520 worth of salaries a month.

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