THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT The arrests and detention of activists continued throughout the month of October. In October, Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) President, Takudzwa Ngadziore remained incarcerated at Chikurubi Maximum Prison for staging a peaceful demonstration against the alleged involvement of Impala Car Rentals in the abduction of human rights and opposition activists. Ngadziore remained a victim of state persecution for demanding justice on behalf of Muchehiwa who was abducted by suspected state security agents. Ngadziore was later released on bail. Another activist, Terrence Manjengwa who was arrested on 29 August as he was protesting the arrest of Job Sikhala had been in remand for over 60 days andwas granted bail in October. This exposes the level to which the State has used prosecution as a tool for persecution. In addition to these cases of prominent activists, ZPP recorded s othercases of unlawful detention. It comes as stark contrast that Zanu PF linked people when arrested, have been granted bail, with some of them not having seen the inside of the remand cells. One typical example is that of Nicholas Goche, a former minister arrested on 10 October for cattle theft and released on bail the same day. ZPP urges the police, the courts and the entire judicial system to go back to the Constitutional values and respect the Constitution’s provisions on separation of power and the independence of the judiciary. ZPP also welcomes the letter by judges calling on the Chief Justice Luke Malaba to stop victimising judges and manipulating judgements. The independence of the judiciary, and judges is essential to any democracy as it allows the exercise of the rule of law in a fair and transparent manner.

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