#COLDBLOOD CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE The Constitution of Zimbabwe safeguards the sanctity of human life and dignity. It is therefore of great concern that the ZDF seeks to justify the killing of unarmed citizens by state security agents who could have otherwise utilised the many avenues of dealing with situations. It is clear that in the MhondoroNgezi incident, the soldier had breached the army guidelines relating to the handling of firearms when he ventured into a public space with a fully armed and loaded gun. The incident is a sad reminder of the August 1, 2018 killings, when soldiers disproportionate force fatally shot at fleeing protesters in Harare, killing six and injuring dozens. It also shows why there is an urgent need for the implementation of the Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry recommendations for reform in the state security sector. The ZPP recommends that the ZDF implement the Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry on crowd handling and discipline by members of state security agents. ZPP further asks that the ZDF institutes an inquiry into the recent spates of robberies and shootings involving members of state security agents and there should be an audit of firearms, and the promulgation of measures to ensure the security of firearms. In Chivhu, police unleashed dogs on a woman in August 2021. She is still recocering, and five months later, the perpetrators have not been brought to book

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