JULY 2017 Provincial Highlights Threat level: Medium On 22 July in Harare along Churchill Road in Alex Park, while police were manning a speed trap one police officer threw a spike at a moving vehicle. This caused the driver to lose control and veer off the road hitting the University of Zimbabwe iron wall. There were adults and a child barely four years old in the vehicle. Four people were injured and two of them sustained fractures. The affected family filed a complaint with the police department but was instead charged with negligent driving and informed that they should have driven over the spikes instead of evading them. Threat level: Low It was reported that on 18 July at the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Information Centre, in ward 7 of Makokoba, seven suspected MDC-T youths raided the centre and destroyed files belonging to PDP. It is alleged that the youths who included Admire Kashiki, Ian Gombeza, Kenneth Moyo and Homes Mtungwazi had intended to set the information centre ablaze. Police arrived while the MDC-T youths were still destroying documents and apprehended them. Of late, police officers have been seen patrolling the area. In Chitungwiza South ward 23 it is alleged that there is a house popularly known as Damara that ruling party youths have turned into a terror base targeting opposition activists. ZanuPF youth Chairperson Peter Anusa, Timmy Chitembwe, Cephas, Charles aka Mbombo, Tinashe Chitsere, Robert, Reza are some of the people known to spend time at the supposed terror base. It is also reported that at this base opposition supporters are detained, questioned, assaulted and also have their regalia burnt. In June youths from this terror base were accused of assaulting an MDC-T supporter who was on her way to a rally and destroying property belonging to another MDC-T deputy organising secretary of women’s assembly from Chitungwiza. There are allegations of drug dealing associated with the said house. In ward 3 of Bulawayo East it was reported that a man only identified as Mberengwa and known to be the Residents Association secretary, denied residents food aid in unclear circumstances. Community members had gathered around 1pm on 20 July at Mahatshula shopping centre anticipating to receive their monthly food aid under a drought relief food aid programme. As the food was distributed, it is said that Mberengwa denied various individuals telling some of them that their names were not appearing on the list of beneficiaries. Category of incident July 2017 Assault Theft/looting Discrimination MDP Intimidation/harassment 0 1 0 1 1 June 2017 1 0 1 1 1 After participating in a University of Zimbabwe (UZ) medical student’s demonstration against fees hike on 26 June, UZ political science student Fanuel Kaseke was allegedly abducted by unidentified state agents on his way home in Unit A Chitungwiza ward 22 on 28 June. He was found unconscious in Mbare on 5 July. Kaseke says he was assaulted, tortured and questioned on his involvement in the demonstration. He was made to drink an unspecified liquid and thereafter fell unconscious. His whereabouts were unknown for a week and his case was reported to Chitungwiza Police Station (RRB3190902). 9

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