JULY 2017 from a ZanuPF legislator, Ropa was not supposed to get anything. Ncube and *Helen Ndlovu their monthly allocations citing the fact that they do not support ZanuPF. In Gwanda North at Lumeni village ward 4, it was reported that the village head and a ZanuPF member Aniweli Ncube deprived a group of ten women access to water for watering their vegetable gardens on 6 July. It is said that the community had agreed that the women would use the borehole for watering their vegetables as a means of empowering them so that they can ultimately supply the community with their produce. Ncube barred the women and stated that the borehole was not meant for, “women of limited knowledge who belong to pressure groups clamouring for regime change”. He further made remarks that no one was to use the borehole without his consent. On 21 July at Masese Primary School in Mberengwa West, *Peter Mundowa who is a ZanuPF member was denied food aid which was in the form of rice by the ZanuPF youth chairperson for Mberengwa, Mhofela Macheza. Mundowa was victimised for failing to chant the ZanuPF slogan properly. *Faith Sigauke was allegedly denied food aid on political grounds on 22 July in Gokwe Sesame, Nemangwe village ward 2. Nemangwe villagers were given cooking oil and beans as part of food aid when Pilate Marimbe, the Dickson village kraal head reportedly struck-off Sigauke’s name from the list of beneficiaries because she is suspected to be an MDC-T supporter. In Bulilima West Constituency, ZanuPF ward 26 councillor Benjamin Nleya, is reported to have denied three beneficiaries their monthly food hand-outs on 14 July. It is said that the community had gathered in village head Adelaide Hikwa’s kraal anticipating receiving food hand-outs. During the food distribution, Nleya allegedly denied *Thamani Ndlovu, *Butho *Names of victims have been changed. 24

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