• • • but could not recite the correct slogan as he was not used to it. After reciting the wrong slogan, the perpetrator Muzvimwe told him to learn the correct slogans. On 25 September 2015, Zanu PF members forced villagers to attend a restructuring meeting at Masunda South Primary School, Ward 16 Chivi Central. Francis Mhomho and Munashe Pwanyai of Zanu PF threatened some opposition party members as well as some colleagues in their own party suspected to be linked to former vice president Mujuru with physical harm if they refused to participate in the Zanu PF district elections. This saw the victims participating against their will. In another case of intra party disagreements, Ellen Zigonde verbally threatened Pauline Charamba, also of Zanu PF, and accused her of being little known in the party when the victim won the chairperson’s post in the Women’s League structure on 25 September 2015. Zigonde was said to be contemplating writing a letter of complaint to the party executive so that the elections could be re-done. On 23 September 2015, some Zanu PF members suspected of being “gamatox” including Michael Zigundo (not his real name) of Marozva village, Ward 19 Chivi South were allegedly barred from registering for government subsidised seed at Chikofa Township by Vincent Charumbira also of Zanu PF. Charumbira accused Zigundo of supporting Mujuru and told him to go and get assistance from the former vice president. He refused to have the victim registered for the assistance. Matabeleland North Farm occupations on indigenous land were noted as major violations in the month of September especially along the Victoria Falls and Hwange areas. This was more pronounced in the Chidobe Ward and the area stretching about thirty kilometres from the Victoria FallsHwange road and around the new airport. What was of significant concern to the villagers around those areas was that their land is being taken over by people from other regions who work in Victoria Falls. Severe hunger was caused by drought and lack of adequate food continued to be a major source of concern in the districts in the province. Worst affected areas are Binga, Tsholotsho, Lupane and Bubi districts. Alleged abuse of resources under the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) programme by some authorities and businesses was a major concern of community members in Tsholotsho as the locals and council are deprived of development projects in their area. Coercion in the selling of party cards was said to be threatening that people who do not buy new party cards would not get any food aid from the government and would also face unspecified action in the coming elections. • For the past few months villagers in Monde area under Chief Motata have been complaining over actions of their village heads whom they accuse of selling land to business people based in Victoria Falls. Land belonging to the local authority also including agricultural fields along the Victoria Falls – Bulawayo main road meant for the villagers was allegedly sold for thousands of dollars. 21

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