president Mujuru on the political scene. One resident was assaulted in Rimuka by Zanu PF members for public display of his support for Mujuru. • Clement Musore (not his real name) a former soldier and Zungu (not his real name) who has previously been influential in Zanu PF are leading in the campaign for People First. On 16 September 2015, the two moved from door to door and ward to ward encouraging people to support Mujuru. They accused Zanu PF of letting the people down. Musore was reported to have said they would form structures for Mujuru and that the party would be launched once the structures had been formed. • On 18 September 2015, Clever Ndlovu (not his real name) was harassed and assaulted at his house in Rimuka, Kadoma for publicly announcing that he supports Mujuru. The victim had made regalia with Mujuru’s image and put a poster of the former on his gate. Trichina Mamore and other 7 Zanu PF supporters came to his house and beat him up. They also burnt his regalia and the poster. He has since replaced the poster. • On 22 September 2015, Zanu PF factions in Mhangura were up in arms against each other over the use of the First Aid venue. A faction allegedly led by Edmore Paradzano provoked a group supposedly linked to Nickson Maguvaza by indicating that they should not meet at the venue as they were not a true Zanu PF group. The two groups all refer to themselves as the true Zanu PF groups. The two groups fought and some people were injured. • In Magunje two candidates contested for the position of Zanu PF chairperson, the current councillor Bardwell Chasara and the people’s favourite Wonder Muchemwa. Chasara won the race amidst allegations he rigged the elections and this supposedly angered some people. Chasara’s supporters went on to harass people and Chasara ended up being taken in by police. He was released later on the same day. • MDC-T supporters also experienced violations at the hands of Zanu PF supporters. Rudo Timbwa (not her real name) claims that she faces harassment on a daily basis at the hands of Joyce Rushambwa and her husband Moses at Kudzanai Bar where they all sell cooked meals to bar patrons. Whenever Rudo gets MDC-T visitors Rushambwa and husband allegedly insult her after the visitors leave. She is told that her party will never rule the country and threatened that in 2018 elections something will happen to her. The victim is said to be seeking a peace order. • Taurai Matonga, a Zanu PF Youth Coordinator in Manyewe, Mhondoro Ngezi is reported to have harassed a local shop owner, for showing people from the Public Service Commission directions to Muchemwa School. Matonga indicated that the people from public service were out to fire some workers. The local shop owner then turned the tables on Matonga and accused him of being a ghost worker. Other patrons at the bar concurred with the shop owner and ganged up with him in the altercation. Ghost workers are people who, although on the public service payroll, are in fact not providing any services. 19

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