• parts of the country, all people who are aligned to Mujuru are being sniffed out through the restructuring exercise and denied access to buy the new party electronic cards. On 30 September 2015, at Gaza Business Centre, Michael Chivako – Zanu PF Chairperson for Ward 7 Buhera North called for a meeting. He urged about two thousand people who had gathered for the meeting to buy Zanu PF electronic membership cards at a cost of US$3-00 each. Chivako pointed out that even well known MDC-T members (and mentioned a few by name) were supposed to buy the cards and join Zanu PF. He threatened that failure to do so would be detrimental to their lives come 2018. Mashonaland Central Mashonaland Central province had many cases of harassment and intimidation of residents as they were forced to attend Zanu PF meetings. Reportedly in Guruve North villagers were forced to attend a meeting to include new members in the Zanu PF structures at Henzi Shops in Mukuyu Village Ward 19. Government food aid has continued to be distributed along political affiliation, with MDC-T supporters being denied access. White farmers have also experienced political turbulence, with reported forced ferrying of people to Zanu PF Rallies. • Youths believed to be affiliated to Zanu PF worked to block an MDC-T rally meant to be addressed by Morgan Tsvangirai in Muzarabani on 24 September 2015. On 23 September 2015, the youths attacked MDC-T members keeping watch at the meeting venue with stones. The attackers were subsequently over-powered forcing them to flee. On the day of the planned rally, Zanu PF youths forced businesses to close and allegedly warned members of the public from loitering within the vicinity of the venue for the meeting. The rally is reported to have registered low turnout. The following day Tsvangirai (MDC-T) went on to address people in Chiweshe at Nzvimbo Shopping centre, where the turnout was high. • Claudius Phiri of Mazowe South is alleged to have sent Zanu PF youths to Protea Farm in Glendale Ward 16 to call people for a meeting, to campaign for ward chairperson post. The youths indicated that those who failed to attend the meeting would be labelled members of the opposition MDC party. • On September 7, 2015 Ward 15 Councillor Peter Chinyoka called a meeting for vendors at Dandamera shopping centre in Concession. All vending stalls where forcibly closed for the duration of the meeting. Chinyoka is reported to have announced that the Zanu PF executive members had come to get rid of “gamatox” members from the mainstream Zanu PF Party. A 25 year old vendor was picked from the crowd and told to vacate her stall after being accused of working with “gamatox”. Chinyoka is reported to have indicated that all government departments in the district will go through the same process to cleanse them of “gamatox” elements. • On 15 September 2015, Zanu PF area secretary Judah Muringi of Chiwenga Village, Ward 24 in Muzarabani is reported to have summoned two MDC-T activists to a 17

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