Zimbabweans are heard will there be progress in ironing out differences and resolving the deteriorating social and political conditions which seem to proliferate. ZPP notes the continued reverting to the system of ruling through harvesting of fear. The show of might through marching soldiers in major cities certainly had the desired effect of intimidating people so that they do not protest. This is also at the backdrop of Deputy Minister of Defence Victor Matemadanda’s comments that government will not hesitate to deploy soldiers to shoot protestors, and the recent commemoration of August 1, 2018 killings of 6 people while over 40 others were injured when soldiers were let loose against civilians. Despite recommendations by the Motlanthe Commission that ‘all those responsible for alleged crimes on the 1st August 2018 should be prosecuted’ ZPP notes that to date no one has been arrested and sanctioned for the killings. Violence perpetuated by the state, accompanied by impunity is fast leading Zimbabwe into a toxic, militarised and intimidating environment that has all the signs and indicators of the eruption of violent conflict. If people are victimised for expressing their views, Zimbabwe is well on a slippery slope of being democratic on paper but authoritarian in reality. On the 12th of August Zimbabweans celebrated Heroes Day. This commemoration is very important as the country remembers sacrifices made by fellow countrymen in order to obtain the country’s independence. It is thus disconcerting to note that for some, mostly rural communities, this period heralds a period of being harassed into contributing funds for the commemorations. Notable though is that this could be a celebration which Zimbabweans gladly donate to, if it were not shrouded in ruling party celebration connotations. During Heroes celebrations at Chimanimani District Heroes Acre, speaker after speaker at the function clearly stated that Heroes Day commemorations were a Zanu PF event. In Goromonzi North at Enterprise Country Club Ward 9 Heroes Day commemorations turned into a full blown Zanu PF rally as villagers were forced to chant slogans and denounce opposition political parties such as MDC. ZPP is well pleased by Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister July Moyo’s statement that Councillors and Traditional leaders will no longer be involved in distributing food aid. He noted that this is to ensure the vulnerable who need the aid benefit. This is a very progressive move and trust that the state will ensure it is successfully implemented so that the 5, 5 million rural dwellers in Zimbabwe who desperately need this aid are not deprived for political expediency.

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