West Mash Assault Total Right to liberty and security of person 1 22 suspensions lifted. In Uzumba, the legislator Simbaneuta Mudarikwa, Zanu PF leaders Mashaire and Mable Kaundikiza were suspended as they were linked to former Vice President Mujuru and accused of plotting to assassinate the President. On 20 May it was reported that one of the war veterans and a war collaborator went to Mazowe to meet First Lady Grace Mugabe to help get rid of Ray Kaukonde the former provincial chairperson. It was reported that the two were detained for not following proper procedures to meet the First Lady. They are reported to be still in custody.  A Zanu PF member aspiring to contest in the Mudzi North by election was blocked from contesting by officials from the President’s Office based at Nyamapanda. He was told that he was once an MDC-T councillor so he would not qualify. This was after he had already spent a lot of resources on the campaign. This announcement was made publicly at Kotwa Resource Centre by one known as Soja and Chimbitu from the President’s office.  John Mapasure threatened people at Manyaire Primary School with deployment of soldiers to beat them up for not attending the Zanu PF cell formation meeting. There were few people who had turned up for the meeting in ward 10 in Marondera East on 29 May 2015.  Boyd Mudzengere the MDC-T chairperson in Mudzi South reported the organising secretary of the party to neighbourhood police at Nyamande Business Centre on 28 May 2015. He accused him of stealing a motor-bike. The motor-bike was given to the victim and other organising secretaries while ward organising secretaries got bicycles. Mudzengere felt he deserved the motorbike as the chairperson. Milton Kanemukuyu the Secretary of the Province organised to have the victim released but Mudzengerere went further and reported the victim at Makosha Police Station where he was transferred to Mutoko to appear in court. The MDC-T leaders in Harare called Kanemukuyu to sort out the mess resulting in the court case being withdrawn. The case was then discussed within the party.  Partisan traditional leaders fan conflicts. It was reported that a headman in Marondera West was dethroned by Kumuziva Sakirai the new Chief Svosve for being affiliated to the MDC-T. Harassment/intimidation Assault Malicious Damage to Property Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights 18 15 4 Mashonaland West experienced serious political violations from March 2015 when the former Hurungwe West legislator Mliswa indicated that he would contest as an independent candidate. Electoral campaigns intensified in May as June 10 drew near. The Zanu PF campaigns were violent as those associated with Mliswa were publicly 13

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