Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Lack of preparedness The Zanu PF election was marred by flaws, including numerous unprepared polling stations that lacked ballot papers, names that did not appear on the voters roll and polling that was postponed while voters were already waiting in line to cast their votes. All the polling areas in Chimanimani West lacked supplies and were unable to open at 9 as planned. At Mhandarume Secondary, some voters cast their ballots twice or three times, but the police present did nothing about it. Elections in Mutare Central ward 11 were delayed until Sunday, March 26, 2023, due to a lack of ballot papers. Some polling stations in Mashonaland province were yet to receive ballot papers by 4pm. Most voters in the Glenview South Nyikadzino branch were unable to submit ballots because their names were missing from the voters roll. Candidate Michell Parwaiwa stole the voter list in Chegutu West ward 6, which prevented some of his followers from voting. The absence of effective security at the polling station, which would have prevented the candidate from entering and stealing the list, demonstrates the lack of preparation. A spokesperson for Masvingo province verified that the primary elections were postponed to Sunday, March 26 due to a delay in the distribution of election materials. Voting buying Zanu PF announced that it had halted the announcement of its weekend internal elections results following rigging complaints raised by some candidates. The party’s national political commissar Dr Bimha stated that a special adhoc tribunal would meet to consider the complaints, some of which might affect the results. In Mashonaland Central, President Mnangagwa's shadowy campaign team, the Forever Associates Zimbabwe Trust (FAZ), was accused of vote rigging in Bindura, Muzarabani, Mt Darwin and Rushinga where 27 cell registers were reported missing. On 26 March in Mazowe North, 2 Zanu PF officials were caught with a box full of 651filled-in ballot papers from the party’s primary election. Reports indicated that Phillip Chiyangwa had already bussed and accommodated people at Murombedzi ahead of the election. In Chikomba East Hon Sekai Nzenza reportedly gave out ‘biscuits’ and other food items ahead of the election. Competing against Felix Mhonha who gave villagers and traditional leaders bicycles and slaughtered 2 cattle during a rally it was obvious she did not stand a chance. Zanu PF released another batch of the Zanu PF primary elections results in which the party director for Information and Publicity Tafadzwa Mugwadi emerged victorious in Buhera West, while Mashonaland East Youth chairperson Cde Isaac Tasikani sailed through in Mutoko South. Caps United president Cde Farai Jere represented the party in Murewa West, while Cde Phillip Guyo won in Buhera North. The party stated that the results were subject to confirmation by the Politburo. The cases that have been documented indicate that the harmonised elections are likely to be violent and potentially harm a lot of citizens. ZPP appeals to citizens to reject, resist, and report violent people seeking leadership positions. Violent people masquerading as law abiding citizens should be stopped in their tracks before they tarnish the integrity of the harmonised elections. MARCH 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 19

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