Politically, the country is turning a corner into what is set to be a bruising tussle for political power and with Zanu PF having already showed signs it will use its leverage of having access to state resources, the turf is set. 1.0 Executive summary While the party if free to conduct its business in any way, the concern is that Zanu PF as the ruling party, continued to utilize government resources from all the ministries to further its political processes and this is very unfortunate and exposes the What concerns ZPP most is that need for the return to a situation all of this happens at the detriment of the poor people who where the line between the state have to bear the brunt of political and the ruling party is clear. expediency at the expense of Furthermore, the President of the service delivery. Chiefs Council, Fortune Charumbira, went on to make For example, Zanu PF spent millions of dollars to conduct its remarks that prove the partiality of traditional leaders. conference in Bindura, where State power, opulence and grandiose were at display right in the heart of one of Zimbabwe’s poor regions. Charumbira has claimed that traditional leaders were not bound by the Constitution because the chieftainship institution was in existence before the country’s charter was crafted. He later told NewsDay, “What Constitution? What came first, the Constitution or the chiefs? We came first as chiefs before the Constitution,” he said. Chapter 15.2 of the Constitution stipulates that traditional leaders are not allowed to bear allegiance to any political party or to participate in partisan politics. This is not anything to be taken lightly as chiefs and village heads have been among the major perpetrators of political violence in Zimbabwe and we will call on Charumbira to retract his words and clearly declare and instruct chiefs to be apolitical.

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