Provincial Highlights 7.2 Mashonaland Central The Zanu PF conference held in the capital of Mashonaland Central province, Bindura, was the highlight of the month. During the run up to the Zanu PF conference, police officers were arrested and taken to court for allegedly disrupting a Zanu PF meeting and assaulting party members in Bindura. Prior to the conference, there was a surge in cases of civil and political human rights violations as party officials concluded their district and provincial election processes. Makotose was transferred to Manicaland while Pauta was transferred to Midlands and the President is reported to have suspended acting The charge sheet further read: “The Officer in Charge Bindura Rural for accused also set the police dogs and allegedly failing to control police released tear smoke on the officers who assaulted Zanu PF officials. complainants which caused A female cop identified as Inspector pandemonium at the business centre. Phiri was allegedly summoned at State By so doing, the accused forcibly and, to House together with Minister of Home a serious extent, disturbed peace, Affairs Kazembe and other top cops to security or order of the public and explain what happened and it is violated the rights of the complainants. understood she was verbally The matter is still pending in the courts suspended. and ZPP has been informed that some As part of the run up to the Zanu PF senior police officers in Bindura were conference, a councillor only identified transferred to other areas as a result of as Nyanhete reportedly forced villagers the case. to contribute ZWL 50.00 per household According to a leaked police document towards the conference and threatened that those who did not contribute dated October 11, an officer risked being dropped from the list of commanding Mashonaland Central beneficiaries of government inputs. province Commissioner Priscilla In a controversial case which exposes Zanu PF capture of state institutors, on 11 October a police officer stationed in Mt Darwin was hauled before the police tribunal for posting a WhatsApp status in which he was singing along to a gospel song “Munyu Hauchavava”, which directly translates to “the salt is no longer salty” and has been used by some to describe the deteriorating state of affairs in Zimbabwe. Constable Spenser Chitere (+/-35) was accused of displaying materials of political significance in contravention of the Police Act. He was represented by the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, of which ZPP is a member. The case is still pending at the courts. According to the charge sheet, the 15 officers, who were unprovoked, disembarked from their motor vehicles and indiscriminately assaulted the complainants using batons. Makotose and one Superintendent J Pauta of police intelligence were transferred from the province. Home Affairs Minister Kazembe allegedly ordered the police to drop charges against Zanu PF officials who resisted arrest and attacked the same police officers who were arrested.

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