Corruption robs the poor and makes the rich and connected richer. is all at the expense of the hardworking and honestearning Zimbabweans who have to watch their income decline, and social services dwindle. An average government healthcare institution in Zimbabwe is likely to not have basic medication like The politicians who are in the paracetamol tablets, and right places with the leadership schools continue to go without are the ones with the access to basic needs like textbooks. minerals, government contracts and financial resources and this Vulnerable populations like This is why Zimbabwe is now a nation with such a wide gap between the poor and rich. orphaned children and the elderly are going without any government social support and if at all there is any, it is just ceremonial. Yet, on the outward, government officials and those connected to financial resources, flaunt their wealth in the midst of gnawing poverty. And this, this is what makes it a human rights issue.

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