When President Emmerson Mnangagwa took over power in Zimbabwe in November 2017, a school teacher employed by the government was earning about US$500.00 a month, an amount that, although not sufficient, could meet the basic needs. Zimbabwe’s economy from a human rights perspective At the end of October 2017, the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe (CCZ) estimated the food basket at $146,12 per month, an amount that was not affordable for the generality of Zimbabweans as characterised by the income of teachers. Four years later, an October 2021 teacher’s payslip has a net salary of ZWL16,000, equivalent to just 89 US dollars (based on the parallel market rate). this is seen in the continued price increases in retail shops. According to CCZ, in September, a low-income earning urban family of six required approximately $41 235,93 (about 230 USD) to sustain its monetary needs per month. ordinary Zimbabwean. In August 2021, inflation was at 4,2 percent before increasing to 4,7 percent in September 2021 and The grocery needs as at September in October, there was a significant 2021 were at about $16 498,65 jump to 6.4 percent. (about 87 US dollars), according to With salaries of the majority the Consumer Council of workers remaining stagnant, the Zimbabwe (CCZ). situation has remained dire for the The prices of basic commodities have significantly gone up recently with a two-litre bottle of Cooking Oil going up by 90 percent to ZWL In October, the month-on-month 625, from ZWL 329, a 10 kg bag of inflation went up to 6.4 percent, Mealie-Meal going up to ZWL the highest ever since August 2020 1,015, from ZWL 550 in the past when it hit the 8.4 percent mark. month. A 2kg packet of rice now costs ZWL 515.00, up from ZWL October became the third consecutive time monthly inflation 225.00 has been on an upward trend and

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