JUNE 2.4 Embracing the fight for the right to water On June 9, ZPP launched its survey report on the right to water, which focused on Bulawayo, Chegutu and Harare. The report came at a time when the right to water was under the spotlight considering that central and local government has failed to provide clean, potable water in line with the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The survey showed that the right to water was not being realised since government does not prioritise funding to support water reticulation infrastructure. The launch of the report, aimed at lobbying government to prioritise the right to water, came at a time when Bulawayo recorded deaths from typhoid in Luveve and the crisis is still ongoing. Click here to go to the report Nzvimbo, Chiweshe : 24 June 2020 : One Mr Shambare (business person) and his workers were assaulted by five plain-clothed police officers in Mazowe Central at Nzvimbo Growth point in Ward 8. Reports confirm that the officers disguised themselves as customers before visiting Shambare’s grocery shop to purchase goods. The officers who are suspected to be members of the CID department reportedly produced some torn ZWL bank notes including bond notes of which the employees at the shop rejected. The officers then rounded up the employees and started beating them with batons. They also demanded to see the shop owner and upon arrival, Mr Shambare was also assaulted. The officers accused the shop owner of influencing all business persons in the community to reject bond notes. The police details then drove Shambare and his employees to Chombira police station where they dropped them for questioning before leaving the camp. It is suspected that the officers who beat them were not from Mazowe because they quickly left the police post after dropping the victims. Mashonaland East : Zanu PF Ward Councilor for Mutoko South Hoyuyu Mangondo Corner Store Ward 26 is alleged to be annexing villagers’ agricultural land. It is alleged that, on 25 June Zanu PF Ward Councilor Medicine Musakwa began forcefully taking villagers’ land and turned it into commercial residential stands. Musakwa is working with strong political accomplices who among them are the District Secretary Onismos Nyagano and a local business man identified as Rongesheni Marongedza. Villagers were left stunned since part of the land that was taken is villagers’ grazing paddocks. Chikomba West: On 28 June ten villagers were denied social welfare rice in Chikomba West at Ringa Business Centre Ward 19. It is alleged that, social welfare rice was politicized by Zanu PF legislator Mangwiro John Chamunorwa. The politicization was exacerbated by Zanu PF supporters who were used to create the beneficiaries register. Residents suspected to be MDC supporters were subsequently denied. Beneficiaries loyal to the ruling party perceived to be vulnerable were given six cups of rice. The distribution was not conducted fairly; in some cases only six villagers in a village of twenty households benefited REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TO +263 77 488 3406 +263 77 488 3417

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