AUGUST 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ABOUT ZPP The organisation was founded in 2000 by church-based and human rights organisations. The current members of ZPP are Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), Counselling Services Unit (CSU), Habakkuk Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET), Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) and Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ). A total of 149 human rights violations were recorded in August down from the 223 figure recorded in July. Harassment and intimidation cases decreased in August to 80 violations, followed by theft and/or looting which recorded 22, and assault with 15. Mashonaland Central had the highest recorded violations in August with 41, followed by Harare with 36 and Mashonaland East with 24. While the figures are lower than the previous month, a closer look at the nature of cases makes for disturbing reading. The violations were mainly politically motivated and peaked towards or during political events. This still points towards a festering culture of political intolerance that potentially spells trouble in 2018 elections. A lingering culture of fear cultivated by impunity as a result of reluctance by responsible authorities to act on political violence has resulted in more compliance from the victims and less resistance or the will to report the cases. ZPP was established with the objective of monitoring, documenting and building peace and promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts. The peace project seeks to foster dialogue and political tolerance through non-partisan peace monitoring activities, mainly through monitors who document the violations of rights in the provinces. The monitors, who at full complement stand at 420, constitute the core pool of volunteers, supported by three Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators relate with the national office headed by the National Director and programme officers in various units. accused of assaulting police officers in the Central Business District of Harare. A significant number of violations were perpetrated in defense of the First Family or to further their political interest. Those who resist or criticize the first family have been targets of Zanu PF activists. Most of the violations recorded were towards the Heroes Day Holiday. It has become a trend that violations peak during key events that are meant to be national which end up political and associated with the Zanu PF party. It was encouraging to note that in the month under review the two main political leaders, President Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai spoke out against violence perpetrated by their supporters. Tsvangirai took further action by suspending those implicated. Although President Mugabe condemned violence perpetrated by a group associated with his party he also directed that the perpetrators be attacked violently before being ZPP has noted a sharp increase in political conflict but a contradicting drop in the number violations and number of victims for the month of August. The majority of victims remained unknown because they were not prepared to risk retribution for exposing the abuses. Five hundred and seven out of 745 of the victims were male while 238 were female. Four hundred and eighty six of the 546 perpetrators were male. Amongst the perpetrators this month were soldiers who were 4

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