AUGUST 2017 The case was reported to Borrowdale police (RRB3210042) assaulting street vendors forcing them to attend the rally. Many shops were closed from Mbare Msika, Mupedzanhamo flea market and Matapi areas. The rally was organized to demonstrate solidarity with First Lady Grace Mugabe after she had been condemned for violently assaulting a young women Gabriella Engels whom she found in the company of her sons at a hotel in South Africa. Among the many victims who were forced to attend the rally were Chipo Chikwengo*,Cathrine Muskwe * and Simon Chirombe*. On 25 August, Zanu PF youths allegedly convened a meeting in Mbare ward 4 where they planned to reinstate terror bases ahead of the 2018 elections. Joseph Changara who holds a prominent position in Mbare ruling party structures addressed approximately 20 youths at Koffman encouraging them to start establishing terror bases in the ward. He said the youths should identify suitable locations for the torture bases. He was quoted saying these bases will also serve as ruling party venues to conduct meetings and devise election campaign strategies. On 27 August Zanu PF activists were involved in a violent fist fight when they failed to reach consensus over who would control bus rank operations in Mbare ward 3. It is alleged that a group of rank marshals led by Oliver Ollembe was confronted by another group led by Leo Paradza resulting in violent skirmishes. Paradza’s group argued that Ollembe’s group was denying them an opportunity to control the rank according to an agreement made, that they will rotate control of the rank every two weeks. The conflict affected nearby vendors who were forced to halt their operations since stones were thrown all over the area. Commuter omnibus drivers drove off for fear of damage to their vehicles. A resident who asked to have her identity protected reported that all ranks in Mbare are controlled by ruling party youths who collect money for party activities and for personal use. In Mbare ward 3 and 4, proprietors were forced to close down their businesses and attend the Zanu PF solidarity rally on 30 August. About 40 Zanu PF youths led by Changara were patrolling Mbare 10 Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Assault 9 8 Discrimination 1 0 Theft/looting 1 1 MDP 6 5 Intimidation/harassment 15 14 Displacement 1 0 Unlawful detention 3 2

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