they could not secure the $4. 14 April Right to There was a distribution of maize at Mashuma Business Centre. The maize was Food handed over to the needy by ward 17 Councillor Mr Methew Runi but people are Freedom of complaining of being charged $2 per 50kg bag a dollar up from the usual transport conscience cost. It is alleged that Transport used to be $1 from Magunje depot. A victim said ‘We used to pay $1 for one bag of maize but the cost has gone up. Those in charge claim that the maize is coming from Bvuti near Kariba when it is coming from Magunje 20km away.’ Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Matabeleland 12 April Right to food North In Tsholotsho South Constituency, Ward 22 Councilor Phumuza Ziga Dube, is reported to have denied five villagers their monthly food handouts. It is reported that the Department of Social Welfare had availed 50bags of maize for distribution in view that the invited villagers would share the bags equally in groups of two’s or three’s depending on their number. It is said that Dube took a lion’s share by keeping a number of bags for himself and ultimately dismissed five individuals who bore the pain of returning to their homes without food. 35

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