Mashonaland East Date HR Provincial highlights Violated 18 April Freedom of Mr Tsvura, Chairperson of Zanu PF in Mudzi South intimidated people during the Independence celebrations assembly held at Makaha Primary School. Mr Tsvura took a register of people who attended the ceremony and and accused others of not attending the national celebration. He accused villagers who had failed to attend the association celebrations as Zanu PF enemies. It is alleged that he wrote down the names of all those who had not Right personal to attended and said he would deal with them. This event clearly conveyed a message to the villagers that those who had failed to attend would be punished. security 18 April Freedom expression of On independence day in Murewa North, Chapangano ward 16 Councillor Matiza of Zanu PF attended the celebrations in Zanu PF party regalia. This did not go well with Peoples Democratic Party (PDP )party Freedom of members, one of the PDP members openly told the Councillor that he was politicizing the event. It is assembly alleged that Tukisai Chodewa a PDP supporter boldly confronted the Councillor that national events and gathering were not a show case of party regalia. The Councillor is alleged to have further provoked people association by chanting Zanu PF slogans during the celebrations. This frustrated other people who are not Zanu PF supporters who attended the independence celebrations. Mashonaland West 20

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