Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Attack on Journalists The ZPP is concerned by the recent trend of journalists being attacked and barred from covering political stories, particularly those involving the opposition party. On 19 January, the editor of the Masvingo Mirror, Garikai Mafirakureva, was arrested by the police in Masvingo on charges of publishing or communicating false information prejudicial to the State. Mafirakureva was accused of contravening Section 31 (a) (iii) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. It is alleged Mafirakureva published false information when he commented on a murder case, that 'it could be swept under the carpet' due to the alleged connection between senior officers within the CID Department in Masvingo and the accused. On 16 January, several journalists were barred by anti-riot police from entering a courtroom at the Harare Magistrates Court to cover the initial appearance of 25 CCC supporters who had been arrested and charged with participating in a gathering with intent to incite public violence. Journalists who intended to cover the court case were maltreated and dragged out of the court despite producing their Press Cards. One police officer was quoted shouting, "the courtroom is full, and the media is already inside. Go outside. You better start running, else I will hurt you". However, the police allowed two state media journalists representing The Herald and Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) to enter the courtroom. Recommendations The Zimbabwe Media Commission should take a more proactive role in condemning the partisan nature of the Zimbabwe Republic Police towards journalists, hindering them from carrying out their work. CSOs should engage the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission to conduct capacity strengthening of the ZRP’s mandate, as provided in the constitution. The training would be on the role and importance of journalists in information dissemination and on how to engage with them as they carry out their duties especially as we head towards the harmonised elections. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 8

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