During the month of March, the Midlands Region was dominated by the violation of civil and political rights, where those that are not part of Zanu PF party did not get access or freedom to conduct their own activities. The relaxation of the lockdown regulations exposed the selective application of the law as those in the ruling party were allowed to gather in large numbers. Zanu PF openly flouted the 30 people per gathering restriction. Examples of these are in Headlands and Kwekwe Central constituencies where Zanu PF officials presided over gatherings of more than 100 party supporters, risking people contracting the corona virus.On the other hand, opposition supporters were arrested in Chivi when they tried to convene their own meeting which had the stipulated maximum of 30 people. In Mashonaland Central cases of politicians threatening the police have been recorded in the past and this seems to continue occurring. In March 2021, Zanu PF Central committee member John Nhamburo is alleged to have threatened Mvurwi police over the arrest of three Mvurwi town council officials who are facing fraud charges. The arrested trio were Sheri Nyakudya (Town Secretary), Letwin Watambwa (Housing and Community Services Officer) and Simbarashe Kambare (Housing Clerk). When the three were arrested Nhamburo is said to have demanded their release saying the party image will be damaged as Mvurwi council is run by MDC Alliance. Nhamburo who reportedly owns several stands in Mazowe which he acquired on party ticket is said to be protecting his stands that were not acquired procedurally. On 5 March a high powered party delegation was allegedly sent by Nhamburo to Mvurwi police station and before that Nhamburo had called police officers ordering the release of council officials claiming that their arrest would put the image of the party into disrepute. The case highlights brazen abuse of law enforcement who will be otherwise doing their job. On 21 March about 40 villagers in Murehwa North were forced to convene in Mutsvairo Village Ward 16 for a ‘developmental meeting’. It is alleged that, Zanu PF Councillor Mhangarai Milton Chinake forced villagers to convene before he openly told MDC Alliance activists to denounce their party or risk being denied government aid. During the meeting an MDC activist was told that he was not welcome to come to village meetings and his name should be removed from all government assistance programs. On 14 March a case of arson and right to personal security was reported in Mudzi North in Musiyani Village Ward 10. It is alleged that, a Zanu PF activist identified as Stanley Joseph reportedly torched a villager’s house under unclear circumstances. ZPP interviewed the victim, who said she believed her house was torched because she is a known MDC Alliance activist. Property and food worth hundreds of dollars was destroyed. No arrest was reported. In Nkulumane Constituency, Ward 22, some Zanu PF activists are already in election mode, denying perceived opposition supporters, access to some basic services such as public water. A ruling party activist identified as Sharon Dube allegedly intimidated citizens who had come to fetch water at a borehole in the ward. Dube said that opposition supporters had up to August 2021 to use the borehole and after that, only Zanu PF supporters will be allowed to get water from public water points as the ruling party would have commenced its campaigns. Please note, these cases are just a few of the many that ZPP has extensively documented.For the full details of all cases, get in touch with ZPP on zppinfo@myzpp.com 10

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