10 December was International Human Rights Day, and just seven days before the day, over 100 families in Budiriro were left without a roof over their heads. This was after their homes, built on purported undesignated land- were demolished. The City of Harare, with the help of the police, and armed with court orders, demolished 143 houses, leaving an estimated 715 people homeless. The demolitions, which were the most severe in 2020, follow several such incidents and in all these, families were left internally displaced and vulnerable. Sadly demolitions, like the Budiriro one, have been a result of corrupt and illegal land sales as well as political contestation. Ultimately, the human rights of the citizens will continue to be violated while the corrupt keep getting away without being punished. Because of the huge housing backlog, desperate citizens are falling prey to land barons, most of whom are politically connected. Ironically, Tembwe Housing Cooperative, part of which was demolished, secured land in Budiriro in 2010 through council officials, and obtained certificate of incorporation as a housing cooperative. “It was heart breaking to see women breaking down and one asking what she does with a two month old baby in the rainy weather. It was not just inhuman but cruel to subject citizens to demolishing their homes while they watched hopelessly,’’ Jestina Mukoko, the ZPP National Director According to the Harare Residents Trust, they allocated land to their members. “However, in 2014, an identified council Town Planner Priscilla Charumbira allegedly demanded that they pay US$45 000 in order to have their housing stands regularised. Council allegedly wrote their names down, and assured the stand owners that their stands would be regularised. However, things changed after they refused to pay the US$45 000. Charumbira allegedly initiated through identified proxies to establish Events Housing Cooperative and offered it the same land as Tembwe Housing Cooperative.” It must be noted that shelter is a social right that every citizen should access and enjoy The Zimbabwe Peace Project urges government and local authorities to regularize land ownership in urban areas and to root out corruption, which is the major cause of such incidents, which often leave citizens as the victims. Where demolitions are really necessary, affected individuals must be given long enough vacation notices so that they can plan on time. 7

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