As the curtain draws on 2020, it is apparent that Zimbabwe’s political and socio-economic challenges will still haunt citizens as the government has many times displayed their unwillingness to listen to the voice of citizens. The COVID-19 pandemic is not making it any better, with poor citizens mostly affected by the deteriorated health care system. The continued partisan distribution of aid only serves to divide the nation further. ZPP believes that if the government commits to listening to diverse citizens’ voices in 2021 and for once, introspect to see where things are going wrong, then prospects of a better Zimbabwe will be realized. There is no point of cracking down on dissent as the country gets into the new year; instead those voices, if given an ear to could make a big difference. Zimbabweans should be allowed to, once again, find their voices and contribute meaningfully to the fights against the many ills that the country finds itself in. It is important for government to be accountable, transparent, responsible and above all respect the rights of citizens especially at this time of the global pandemic. 11

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