that MDC-T members should come in the project as followers only and not leaders. 3 June 2014- A delegation of Zanu PF councillors and war veterans of Gokwe South District approached the Midlands Provincial Affairs Minister Jason Machaya complaining about the chairperson of the council Mrs. Senga whom they accused of being sympathetic towards MDC-T party members. The delegation proposed that she be replaced by Ward 1 councillor, Mr. Taruvinga who apparently was leading the delegation. In his response the Minister Machaya informed the delegations that he had no jurisdiction to single handily remove an elected office bearer. He however advised the delegation to follow the proper channel of submitting their complaints if they had concrete evidence of her malpractice and non-performance of her assigned duties. Ø 13 June 2014- Representatives of the Anglican Church of Canterbury in England donated food hampers to local villagers in Chiwundura constituency, Chinamasa village, Ward 9 at Gambiza Primary School. James Chanza of MDC-T told one of the intended beneficiaries belonging to Zanu PF to leave the food allocation process because the food was meant for friends of England who were MDC-T members and not Zanu PF members. There has been a slight increase in the number of politically motivated incidents in the month of June. The violations recorded include harassment, intimidation and discrimination based on political intolerance among community members. The reduction in overt violence could be attributed to the shift in focus among community members in the province; the newly resettled farmers have been thronging the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement in the various Districts of the province as they applied for the new farm permits. It is believed that the process is a pre-audit and verification exercise that would eventually assist the authorities to identify multiple property owners and absentee farmers. Ø 3 June 2014- A man who runs a Radio and TV repair shop at Chawarura Business Centre in Muzarabani South was barred from accessing his shop because he had attended a meeting organised by ZimRights. The man was ordered to leave the premises by Zanu PF youths led by Rasy Chapata, the youth chairperson. Ø 7 June 2014- A group of ten army officers invaded Piedmont farm in Matepatepa, Bindura North forcing a White farmer to vacate the property leaving all farming machinery at the farm. Ø 11 June 2014- A female MDC-T activist of Gwetera village Shamva North was verbally abused by a Zanu PF supporter Josiah Zuze for reading an independent newspaper, The Standard. Zuze grabbed and tore the paper warning the victim Ø Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Freedom of Assembly 13 3 1 Property rights 1 Property rights Right to liberty and security of person 1 1 20 Mash Central Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Disrupted Political Meeting Malicious Damage to Property Theft/looting Unlawful Detention Total 6

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