Total Total Zanu PF as well as ZRP officers. Intra-party fights were the major sources of conflict and in MDC-T it led to the resignation of the Provincial Chairperson Honourable Gorden Moyo from his position within the party. Ø 7 June 2014 - Councillor James Sithole of MDC-T was arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic Police for holding a meeting at Tshaka Youth Centre without police clearance. The councillors argued that it was not political but a community development meeting where they were discussing service delivery within Ward 7 of Makokoba. Ø 15 June 2014 – Zanu PF supporters led by Mrs Arrietta Dube were forcing residents of Lobengula Constituency to contribute a dollar ($1) each in support of the funeral of a Zanu PF activist Mavis Nkomo. Ø 18 June 2014 – In Nketa constituency, Ward 24, Zanu PF members led by Nhlanganiso Ngwenya confronted Councillor Gideon Mangena of MDC-T at the Nketa Revenue Offices over allegations of awarding a council cleaning tender only in favour to MDC-T members. Zanu PF members accused the councillor of abusing public office in pursuit of his political agenda. Ø 21 June 2014- Suspected Zanu PF members led by Angeline Tanyanyiwa have been carrying out door to door campaigns in Entumbane/Emakhandeni writing down personal details of residents in preparation for the 2018 elections. The personal details collected included names, identity numbers and mobile phone numbers. Most residents complied with the demands for fear of reprisal from Zanu PF. 14 188 12

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