could not immediately ascertain whether or not, people from other parties were sanctioned in the same manner.  In the first week of October, legislator of Hurungwe East, Sarah Mahoka, is said to have told a constituency meeting that she had a list of Zanu-PF members who do not support the First Lady. She said that farmers who were against the First lady would be evicted from their land. She also announced that Zanu-PF was in an election mode and threatened people opposing the First Lady with severe beating and heavy political persecution. When ZPP called Mahoka to verify, she cut the phone upon hearing the question.  In Pfupajena, Chegutu Zanu-PF elections became so chaotic with Ben Zvoto (not real name) involved in campaigning for a candidate was threatened with death by one, Phinias Vhurumundu. Vhurumundu who was campaigning as vice chair openly told Ben that he could lose his life. Efforts to get a comment from Vhurumundu were not fruitful by the time of going to print.  On 24 October 2015, during ward elections at Waverley Primary School, Zanu-PF supporters were involved in fist fights. Supporters of two contestants for the youth chairperson position - Cos Rules and Tafadzwa Muduuri – engaged in fist fights. The election had to be discontinued due to the disorder and violence. Masvingo Masvingo is the only province where the Mujuru faction has resisted annihilation. The current restructuring exercise has seen the faction emerging stronger with its members getting most of the influential posts much to the dismay and wishes of the powers that be. The faction has had its own hardliners in the likes of former Provincial Affairs Minister, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti; Retired Major, Calisto Gwanetsa; and former Energy Minister, Dzikamai Mavhaire. These gurus have built themselves a strong political power base which is seen as difficult to dismantle. It remains to be seen if these victors from the Mujuru faction will survive another day. On the other hand, the hard pressed communities are being forced to pay development and cattle levy before year end as a ‘passport’ to access government subsidised agricultural inputs in the 2015/16 farming season. This is happening despite the fact that the year has been a difficult one with the majority of companies scaling down on labour. To the peasant farmer, it has been a dry season with most farmers harvesting nothing in the 2014/2015 farming season. 24

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