Matabeleland North alone 9 cases of students with withheld results were reported to
ZPP. Other such cases have been reported in Manicaland and Masvingo provinces.
On the political front, most political activity has been coming from the factional wars
in the ruling party playing themselves out on social media and party structures. The
ruling party has been occupied with winning by-elections while opposition parties are
more engrossed in coalition talks to form a united front against the ruling Zanu PF
party in the 2018 elections.
Various leaders including chiefs, councillors and other community leaders mostly
linked to the ruling Zanu PF party were implicated in many of the cases of
politicisation of food aid.
Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) reports for January show a total of 108 violations up
from last month’s. The month under focus had 655 victims altogether. Of these
victims, those from the Zimbabwe People First (Zim PF) were 20 people 6.4%, and
those affiliated to the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) stood at 34%
which translates to 107 people.
A total of 655 victims and 330 perpetrators were recorded. 67% of the victims were
male while 33% were females. 90.3% of the perpetrators were male while 9.7%
were female.
Of the victims only 3% were affiliated to Zanu PF while 6% were affiliated to ZimPF.
34% were affiliated to the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai while the
remaining 56% were not affiliated to any known political party. The high number of
non affiliated victims points to changing political dynamics in which there is
increased involvement of citizens who are not aligned to political parties in political
134 perpetrators were affiliated to the ruling Zanu PF party which is 78% of the
figure. The MDC-T recorded 9 perpetrators while 5 perpetrators were serving
Zimbabwe Republic Police officers and a war veteran.